Friday, June 13, 2008

New Phone!!!

nokia 5310sidekick

So I got a new phone! The Nokia 5310 (top picture). Isn't it beautiful! I love it so far. Granted I have only had it for 1 day, but For this one day it has been great! Considering I changed it from the Sidekick III ( bottomw picture) it is definitely a change! I'm just happy that I will have picture messaging again! I'm going to be picture message happy for a while. So if I have your phone number and I know you can picture message I most likely will be sending you a message! Woohoo!

Keep in mind the pictures aren't proportioned to each other.

1 comment:

chasy said...

"keep in mind - the pictures aren't proportioned to each other." *rofl* YOU. ARE. SO. ADORABLE!!!