Friday, January 23, 2009

Emotional Wreck!

There are a TON of things I am feeling/thinking right now! I can not even really begin to describe them all! Although, I can say that all the emotions are building up too much. I am starting to break.

O.K. O.K. Maybe Emotional Wreck is too strong of a title for this post, but that's the best thing I can do to come close to expressing what I'm feeling.

I try to be the happy-go-lucky person all the time. Typically speaking I'm really good at doing it. I mean I'm a server, I have learned how to put on a happy face even though someone is a complete and utter a**, so it's easy.

Mind you I'm not complaining.

I am just getting to the point where I think I need a good cry. Which is amazing for me to say. I absolutely LOATHE crying. It's probably the worst thing I have ever experienced! It makes you tired and you look like crap afterward, and EVERYONE can see your emotions! I am not one to tell people I'm going through a hard time. I have the select few that I talk and share these secrets with (I'm sure you can figure out who you are). Certain life experiences have made me a very guarded person.

This may seem insane to those of you who have talked to me... I don't mind sharing every detail about events or my experiences. I can talk anyone's ear off about myself and what I've been through. BUT I rarely ever talk about how I feel or that I'm in trouble.

At any rate, the point is it is becoming a lot for me to handle and I just needed to get that off of my chest! Now I feel a TON better!

1 comment:

Fad23 said...

I for one am a fan of tears. They're sad and joyful reminders that we're alive. To me that's important - completely vital.

It also helps me to remember that I'm never alone in my tears; someone out there feels pain like mine. So in aid of that I'll let you know that I've been on the verge of tears for decades.

It seems like there's a ton of catching up that we could do.