Monday, July 6, 2009

Enemy of the Public

Maybe you can, or maybe you can't, infer where the title of this post came from... just to make sure we're all on the same page; it is from the movie Public Enemy. I just saw it with my good friend Brendyn. First and foremost let me say that it was amazing! I absolutely LOVED it!

If you are SUPER anal about not giving ANYTHING away about a movie you might want to just skip to the end to read the summary of the blog post (last sentence).

My favorite part of the movie was the love story between John Dillinger and Billie Frechette. John is madly in love with Billie! I, being the hopeless romantic that I am, was captivated and transported to a realm of such devoted, undying, irresistible, unconditional love. It was fan-freaking-tastic!

I felt the bond was SO strong that I actually teared up and had a tear fall down my face. Now if you know me, you'll know that I just don't ever cry*... especially when it comes to movies. It made me long for that kind of relationship!

Not the one where it's just me that into the relationship, or just him that into the relationship, but one where we both are in love to the point of doing anything for each other. It's an easy thing to want in my mind. I mean really; who wouldn't want to always have someone to run to for whatever reason and know they will always be there no matter what?! That's what I hope to have one day!

Johnny Depp was SO great at portraying this chemistry. I know you're probably thinking, "uhh duh Karen, he's an actor he gets paid to make you believe he's in love with people all the time." BUT just because it's their profession, doesn't mean they do it seamlessly. His eyes said it all! If you watch the movie on mute and just look at the way Depp's eyes/face/body language are when he's with her you would get the same impression as you would with the sound on! Now THAT my friends is the hardest thing to do. For instance, Twilight has been deemed a great love story. The movie though didn't do the intense level of love between Bella and Edward justice. Those actors were definitely not as seasoned as Johnny.

AT ANY RATE, point being I love love, I want a connection and kinship one day that is enduring and never ending, and I appreciate actors who bring out the best of the love story!

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