Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hopeless Romance

Today I was going through the stuff in my closet and I cam a cross a box full of a ton of mementos from when my dad was courting my mom. As I was looking through everything I started getting giddy and I was like a little school girl! I enjoyed it quite thoroughly.

I remember going through this box years ago and ever since then I've remembered a poem that my dad wrote for my mom. I found it again tonight. I'm going to share it now, because I figured I might as well... it's cute!

"It's written in pen, It started with a Kiss...
If you love me, honey, you answer just this!!!

Donna, I love you, So please be true.
Can't you tell by the things I do??

Your heart is like a lump of gold...
It's hard to get and hard to hold!!!

I once had a heart so warm and true,
But now it's gone from me to you!!!

Did you know that the Lord Above
Created you for me to love???

He picked you out from all the rest
Because he knew I'd like you best!!!

When I get to Heaven and see you're not there
I'll write your name on the Golden Stair

For all the angels to know how how much your love really means.

And if you're not there by the judgment day.
I'll know you went the other way!!!

I'll give the angels back their wings
Golden halos and all those things

And Just to prove my love is true
I'll go to hell to be with you."

-Jack Vizzard

1 comment:

Mike said...

I wonder if Ben Gibbard somehow came across this poem and was inspired to write 'I'll Follow You Into The Dark' :D