The other day I went over to my grandmother's house to drop off money and to check on her, you know, make sure everything is going alright. As we were talking she said to me "you're a lot happier now than you were when you first moved back from Utah."
This caused me to stop and think. I had a ton of thoughts/questions running through my mind. First, am I really happier, or is it just her perception? How can she tell that I'm happier? Why am I happier? How do I continue to be happy? How can I make myself even happier than I already am?!
I had to cut my visit with my grandma short because I had to get to work. The whole night at work I was racking my brain trying to answer all of these questions. I had a couple epiphanies!
First I realized I truly was happier. Dare I say the happiest I've been in my life (maybe just a very long time, but it feels like life). I don't know how my grandma was able to tell, but I'd like to think that it was because I was smiling from ear to ear.
Now we get down to the really important answers that I have yet to fully answer. Why am I happier? Well there are a few possibilities. So far I've attributed it mainly to dancing. I am not saying dancing wasn't awesome in Utah, but now I get to do it almost everyday and more opportunities are opening to me. Also because of dancing I am meeting amazing people that are helping me realize so many different things in many different facets of my life.
I also attribute my happiness to the sunshine. I have more time out in the sun here than I did when I was in Utah. I absolutely love it! It makes me happy (and tan, that's just an added bonus).
My conclusion? If you want to be extremely happy you should dance! I mean it seems to be the cure all for me!