Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I was talking to a friend the other night about experiences I believe people should have in college.

He was talking about how he was planning on taking 19+ units/credits a semester so he could get his BA in 3 semesters (Mind you this is not where my complaint lies I'm all for finishing school as fast as possible). I asked him if he was planning on working part time, since he has to pay for his education, living expenses, etc. He said no he's just going to focus on school.

My response to that was "Good Luck. I could never do it." Which is the HONEST TO ZEUS TRUTH!! I could never just go to school, I have to have a sense of freedom. He started to ask why I felt that way. I proceeded to tell my friend that in order to do things you have to have money. If a group of people are going out bowling, out to a movie, dinner, etc. you need money.

(Now we're getting to the part that i didn't agree with)

His response to this was, "why would I want to do that?"

What are you a recluse?! Seriously why wouldn't you want to do that?! At any rate I told him that making friends is a part of normal college life and it's an important part to being a well rounded person.

Of course he didn't see it exactly as I did. He starts going off about how he has all of the friends he needs and how he has made his close group of friends out of the people he wants to associate with so he wouldn't have to make any more friends.

Finally after going back and forth just a little bit more I decided there was no winning him over. So I did something I rarely ever do... I conceded.

Now it's my chance to tell ALL OF YOU how I don't agree! YAY!!!

I mean if you aren't going to be making new friends what is the point of doing anything?! What's the point of going to that expensive college in another state just because they have a decent or good program? What's the point of going to church activities or classes? Without socializing and making new friends College wouldn't even exist!

I know not everyone has the same goals and dreams as everyone else but I thought that was a general want and desire to be accepted by people and be friends with people to gain a support group. It was just beyond me! Why would anyone want to go to college and NOT want to socialize?! This is the one chance you have in your life to do certain things.

So the moral of the story is: Carpe Diem! Seize the Day! Don't let life's few fleeting moments/opportunities pass you by!


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